Destinations / en ville / Seasons / Summer

À Grenoble: Y’a du boulot !

Y’a du boulot… Je parle de Grenobloise et de Grenoble-même ! Je n’ai pas updaté mon blog récemment, car je suis très occupée. Tout d’abord: le 14 juillet était magnifique! Les feux d’artifice étaient mieux que jamais. Le concert gratuit, On Dirait le Sud, était fantastique. Cette semaine, c’est Cabaret Frappé. Je n’étais pas en vacances; j’ai travaillé, cherché du travail, peint et perfectionné quelques recettes coréennes (photos ci-dessous). J’ai aussi passé 2 jours en Provence et à Marseille cette semaine. À propos de vacances, je pars à Edimbourg la semaine prochaine !

Y’a du boulot (Lots of work to do)… I’m talking about Grenobloise and Grenoble city! I have not updated lately due to quite a few things that are going on. I must say quickly; Bastille day was great! The fireworks show in parc Paul Mistral was as amazing as ever. The free concert On Dirait le Sud was fantastic. This week is Cabaret Frappé. I have not been away on vacation; I have been working, job-hunting, painting and perfecting a few Korean recipes (see below).  I also spent two days in Provence and Marseille this week. Speaking of vacation, I am going to Edinburgh next week! 

Et, à propos de Grenoble: il y a des travaux partout, et ça avance rapidement ! La nouvelle ligne de tram E (et le pont), l’extension de la ligne B pour faciliter l’accès à la presqu’île, l’aménagement des quais (voir photos), le nouveau quartier à Bouchayer Viallet, entre autres, il y a beaucoup de choses qui arrivent. Je ne parle même pas du futur téléphérique qui ira de Fontaine à Lans-en-Vercors !

In regards to the work going on in Grenoble: there is construction going on everywhere, and it’s moving quickly! From the new E tram line (and bridge), the extension of tram B to create easy accessibility to the Grenoble presqu’îlethe construction along the quai (see below), the new neighborhood at Bouchayer Viallet, among others, there’s a lot to be excited about in Grenoble. I didn’t even mention the future plan to build a cable car that goes from Fontaine to Lans-en-Vercors!

Grenoble working hard..!

Salut les gars !

Bonnes vacances !


  • Carine
    July 30, 2012 at 1:00 am

    Bonnes vacances 🙂

    • grenobloise
      July 31, 2012 at 8:45 am

      Merci Carine :-). Have a wonderful August and go for a swim in Fire Island if you get the chance! x

      • Carine
        August 2, 2012 at 12:38 am

        Will try to! Thanks for the tip 🙂

        • grenobloise
          August 8, 2012 at 10:19 am

          There’s Ocean Beach, Fire Island (more party atmosphere, lots of crazy youngin’s) and there’s Davis Park, Fire Island (more laid back, more boardwalks, calmer). You can talk to Ferry to these places from Bay Shore (take LIRR to Bay shore and catch shuttle/cab (or walk) to the ferry station. About a 20-30 mins ferry ride.

          There are other parts for Fire Island to that you can look into. I spent my childhood summers at Davis Park. 🙂

          • Logan Lo
            August 9, 2012 at 3:14 am

            Once again, I’ve clicked on your blog only to be ambushed by some delicious food pics! I must remember to read you before lunch and not before bed. And kimchi no less…

            So glad to hear that you’re having such a good time! I want to get to Europe again but not quite so soon.

          • grenobloise
            August 9, 2012 at 10:18 am

            Merci pour ton commentaire Logan !

            Ya’ know, not everyone would think kimchi is delicious. That’s why I love New Yorkers (okay, and for many other things… miss ’em!).

            I will post some Scottish food pics soon.. including haggis, deep fried cheese, stuffed jacket potatoes, fish n’ chips.. and… are you ready? A deep fried Mars bar. O_O

            I’m having a pretty good time. Lots of work. Painting (a very solitary activity but extremely rewarding). Not a NYC sorta’ fun time, that’s for sure, but happy to be getting to know..

            …this beautiful world.

          • grenobloise
            August 9, 2012 at 10:19 am

            And I hope you get to Europe in the future.

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