Destinations / en montagne / Fall / Seasons

Alpine photos from this weekend…

Quelques photos de ce week-end dans les alpes, y compris une petite balade dans la Charteuse et dans la vallée du Grésivaudan… Joyeux automne !

Some photos from this weekend in the Alps, including a little stroll in the Chartreuse mountains and in the Grésivaudan valley… Happy Fall!

Saint-Hugues de Chartreuse

Mushrooms were everywhere in the forest! @Saint-Hugues de Chartreuse

Les vaches de Saint-Hugues de Chartreuse

…almost got injured taking this pic!


Hi baby!

A paraglider and Chamechaude (the highest peak of the Chartreuse)

Une parapentiste

Paragliding over Saint-Hugues de Chartreuse

Les deux cochons de Charmant Som

Time to snuggle up, it’s getting cold outside!

Une de les belles vaches brun isabelle du Charmant Som

My attempt at capturing the orange moon in Voiron…

at the 39th annual Coupe Icare in Lumbin

Previous posts relating to la Charteuse:
Dans la Charteuse!
Le Fort du Saint-Eynard

Previous posts relating to Charmant Som:
Les fleurs printanières de Charmant Som…
Charmant Som: Cow Paradise!


  • The Vagabond Baker
    September 24, 2012 at 3:04 pm

    Looks exciting! those two pigs cuddle up- how cute!

  • Gwan
    September 25, 2012 at 9:26 am

    Wow, gorgeous photos, châteaux aside the landscape can be a bit dull in these parts unfortunately


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