Destinations / en ville / Fall / Seasons

Grenoble: Photos du jour !

Récemment, il a commencé à faire froid à Grenoble après un début d’automne très chaud. En une semaine, on a eu une chaleur estivale et une froideur hivernale qui était bien sévère à experimenter ! Mais maintenant, on a un mélange des deux témperatures et c’est bien agréable. J’en ai profité aujourd’hui en me baladant à la Bastille. Voici quelques photos:

Recently, old man winter came to visit Grenoble and suddenly tanks and tees were covered with coats; totally skipping jacket weather! It was a summery early-Fall, and then a day after the intense heat the temperature suddenly plummeted. Today, we’ve got a mix of the two extremes and it finally feels like Autumne. Here are some photos I took today on my walk up the Bastille:






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  • FrenchFries&ApplePie (@Fries_and_Pie)
    October 30, 2014 at 12:22 am

    Very nice pictures and nice weather ! J’ai plaisir à avoir que tu aimes toujours autant la Bastille!

    • grenobloise
      October 30, 2014 at 12:03 pm

      Thanks Laet! Still sans camera so limited to phone pics – and honestly it has kept me from updating my blog these days! So your words mean a lot.

      The Bastille NEVER gets old! It’s lovely, spiritual and different every time. And the view constantly changes! x

  • Logan Lo
    October 30, 2014 at 2:44 am

    Beautiful pictures! Man, I would like to visit someday. I’ll add to my list of “someday” places.

    • grenobloise
      October 30, 2014 at 12:04 pm

      Thanks Logan! You can mark it under “Places where mountain goats live”.

  • wannabearchitect
    November 23, 2014 at 9:03 pm

    J’ai entendu que les pubs devient etre interdit maintenant en Grenoble. C’est vrai?


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