
Happy Chinese New Year from Grenoble !

Nouvel An Chinois Grenoble

A l’occasion du Nouvel An Chinois, le dragon offert à la ville de Grenoble par la ville de Suzhou (ville jumelée proche de Shanghai) défilera cet après-midi dans les rues du centre ville de Grenoble !

Il sera également visible jusqu’au 23 février à l’entrée de l’exposition “Regards de Chine” (
Ville de Grenoble

On the occasion of the Chinese New Year, the dragon offered to Grenoble from the city of Suzhou (twin city near Shanghai) will be parading through the streets of Grenoble this afternoon!

It will also be on view until February 23rd in the entrance hall of the “Regards de Chine” exhibition. (
Ville de Grenoble

Nouvel An Chinois

Nouvel An Chinois

Nouvel An Chinois

Nouvel An Chinois

Nouvel An Chinois
Nouvel An Chinois

Nouvel An Chinois

Photos par Grenobloise | Photos by Grenobloise

***UPDATE 10/02/2013: Aujourd’hui j’ai fait mes propres raviolis chinois ! Today I made my own Chinese dumplings!

Homemade Dumplings


  • Lisa
    February 11, 2013 at 12:02 am

    This is awesome! Too bad I missed it, but I might check it out on display.

  • Alison
    February 11, 2013 at 1:01 am

    Happy New Year! The dumplings look yummy. We were snowed in so we had my grandmother’s stuffed shells (which were in our freezer) for Chinese New Year. Oh well!

    • grenobloise
      February 12, 2013 at 3:10 pm

      Happy New Year of the Snake, Alison! Thanks, the dumplings were really good. I want to make more soon and play around with the stuffing. I may make foie gras ones for my French amis.

      Yum! I miss stuffed shells! I made them here once, but they weren’t like the LI ones I’m used to! Oh, the taste of home…

      Hey I’ll trade your stuffed shells for my dumplings, although you can get good dumplings in NY. My next project is to figure out how to make soup dumplings (à la Joe’s Shanghai)…

  • grenobloise
    February 14, 2013 at 9:26 am



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