
La Fête Médiévale de Crémieu

Hier, je suis allée à La Fête Médiévale de Crémieu dans le nord-isère. Crémieu est une charmante cité médiévale avec sa propre fabrique de bière ! Pour les grenoblois et lyonnais, ça vaut le déplacement.

Yesterday, I went to the Medieval Festival of Crémieu in northern Isère. Crémieu is a charming medieval town with its own beer factory! For those in the Grenoble or Lyon area, it’s definitely worth a drive.

We randomly stumbled upon the beer factory above (just like how we ended up in the city itself during a medieval festival!) and purchased the best-selling (and supposedly authentic) medieval beer, “La Médiévale“.

Pour voir d’autres photos de la fête, visitez leur page Facebook. To see more photos of the festival, visit their Facebook page.


  • Emmanuel
    September 11, 2012 at 7:18 am

    Connais-tu Saint-Antoine l’Abbaye et ses animations médiévales fréquentes ? Cela devrait t’intéresser.

    • grenobloise
      September 11, 2012 at 8:41 am

      Salut Emmanuel, merci pour votre commentaire. En fait, j’étais là la semaine passé et du coup je n’ai pas trouvé le village aussi beau que Crémieu. Je vais ajouter quelques photos sur ce blog quand j’ai l’occasion.

      Avez-vous vu leurs animations ? Ça vaut le déplacement ? J’ai trouvé leur expo temporaire « Jardins des cloîtres, jardins des princes. Quand le parfum portait remède » très sympa ! En savoir plus:

  • Emmanuel
    September 11, 2012 at 8:52 am

    Cela fait quelques années que je n’y suis pas retournée. Il faut voir en fonction des programmes d’animation, mais je ne peux pas juger !

  • ellacoquine
    September 12, 2012 at 7:52 am

    Who is that man with the spear?! Is he on stilts? J’ai peur!!!

    I can see how you wouldn’t want to leave all of this for a job in Paris. Paris will most certainly not give you a medieval festival. I swear the coolest things happen OUTSIDE of Par-ee!

    Maybe I need to move!

    • grenobloise
      September 12, 2012 at 8:35 am

      Excuse me, that’s my boyfriend Ella! Haha kidding. And yes he’s on stilts… I wasn’t taking pictures actually (except the last two)… If it was me I would have captured the dozens of men wearing tight (tight!) tights! Sorry about that!

      I feel the same.. it looks like all the fantabulous stuff is happening in Paris! As an arteest, I am aware of the many exhibitions and gallery shows I’m missing out on! If I move to Paris I will be in Grenoble at least every other weekend so I still would still be connected to Isère. 😉

      I’m surprised Paris doesn’t have a medieval festival. Even NYC has a medieval festival (I’ve been to the Manhattan one and the one about an hour upstate! ..I sure do miss them gigantic turkey legs… you know that’s the main reason why I go!).

  • Logan Lo
    September 12, 2012 at 5:48 pm

    Ah, that looks like fun. I keep thinking that I’ve got to head back to Germany at some point but we’ve got zero time. To be young again!

    • grenobloise
      September 12, 2012 at 6:51 pm

      Thanks for visiting the virtual Alps, Logan! It’s not so much about my age as it is about having this abroad opportunity and jumping at the occasion. I couldn’t afford studying abroad in Florence while in Fine Arts school, and I watched my peers go and have a blast there (you really see a lot via Facebook too!). I thought I’d possibly be in NYC throughout all of my 20’s. I’m sure you will get the chance to visit Germany again in the future!


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