Art / France / Paris

Nuit dans l’atelier parisien

This is a bit of a spontaneous post (I used to do these back in the early days of this blog.). I just wanted to share this lovely, relaxing zen moment in my Montmartre studio this evening.

Ahhh, le zénitude. An artist’s studio is quite a religious/spiritual sort of space.  I’m so grateful to have a little creative oasis in Paris…and in the sweetest and most neighborly neighborhood to boot.

If you’re wondering about my Grenoble studio (hint: it hasn’t gone anywhere!), check out this post. 😉

If you’re wondering about my art career and art shows (If you’re new here, I’m a professional working artist), feel free to contact me.

If you’re up way too late like myself (Paris time), bonne nuit et douces rêves. ~

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